Müller Thurgau
Alto Adige Doc

Technical informarion

Typical white wine method with brief low-temperature, enclosed maceration to maximize the extraction of aroma compounds. The wine is fermented in steel at a controlled temperature of 14-15 °C.


Tasting notes

Pale straw-yellow colour with an intense, reasonably aromatic nose showing notes of nutmeg, nettle and white peach. Fresh, full, agreeable, lengthy palate. 


Awards and Accolades

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Bronze Medal - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2019

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James Suckling

91 Points - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2022
92 Points - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2021
92 Points - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2020
90 Points - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2019

Annuario dei migliori vini italiani 2019

Annuario dei migliori vini italiani

94 Points - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2020
90 Points - Müller Thurgau Alto Adige 2017